Bodegas Sojosa Nitus Cava Brut Reserve
Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte Le Petit Haut Lafitte Rouge Magnum 2019
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Chateau Smith Haut LafitteLe Petit Haut Lafitte Rouge Magnum 2019

Frankrike, Bordeaux, 1500 ml, 14,5%

Château Smith Haut Lafitte tillhör tillsammans med Domaine de Chevalier och Château Pape Clement den yppersta eliten i Péssac-Léognan strax efter Château Haut Brion och Château La Mission Haut Brion. Smith Haut Lafitte är kanske den egendom av de tre som utvecklats allra bäst under de senaste decenn···

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Stor doft av svarta vinbär, cederträ, svarat oliver och multna löv. Ung, intensiv men välbalanserad smak av mörka bär svarta vinbär, björnbär, röda bär, kryddor, cederträ och blyerts. Rund smak med tydliga tanniner och lång koncentrerad eftersmak. 

1500 ml

Så tycker experterna

James Suckling
94p 93-94 p "Very fine for the second wine of Smith"

Extremely polished with tannins that melt into the wine, showing blackberry, black-olive and walnut undertones. It’s full-bodied, yet reserved and tight. Very fine for the second wine of Smith.

94p 92-94 p "This is a fabulous showing"

The 2019 Le Petit Haut Lafitte is a potent, brooding wine. Gravel, crushed rocks, blackberry jam, lavender, menthol and licorice infuse the 2019 with tremendous character and nuance. Cabernet Sauvignon takes the leading role, and that very much comes through in the wines tannic profile and overall feel. This is a fabulous showing. Le Petit Haut Lafitte is a serious second wine that needs a bit of time in bottle to be at its very best.

-- Antonio Galloni

92p 92 p "Closed up on the opening bars"

Closed up on the opening bars, a little more austere than the 2018 with tight tannins but opens up to show elegance and balance, and the juicy salinity on the finish that has become so characteristic of Smith Haut Lafitte across its range of wines.

Drinking Window 2023 - 2036

Jeb Dunnuck
93p 91-93 p "It will still be drinking beautifully at age 15."

The 2019 Le Petit Haut Lafitte is always a more Cabernet Sauvignon-dominated release, and its a more slightly closed wine that will benefit from 2-3 years of bottle age. Plenty of cassis, cedary herbs, tobacco, and a touch of gravelly minerality all emerge from the glass, and its medium-bodied, with good concentration and plenty of building tannins. It will still be drinking beautifully at age 15.

92p 90-92 p "classic black fruit, cedar and mineral-tinged layers with a sturdy frame of grainy tannins and plenty of freshness"

Deep garnet-purple in color, the nose of the 2019 Le Petit Haut Lafitte needs a little coaxing to reveal notes of freshly crushed blackberries, wild blueberries and blackcurrant pastilles plus wafts of garrigue, pencil lead and damp soil. Medium to full-bodied, the palate has classic black fruit, cedar and mineral-tinged layers with a sturdy frame of grainy tannins and plenty of freshness, finishing with an herbal lift.

Vinet & maten

Recept som passar detta vin


Ligger i kommunen Martillac ca 15 km söder om Bordeaux. Haut-Lafitte betyder hög kulle, vilket är en viss överdrift. Georges Smith köpte gården 1720 och är ett av många anglosaxiska inslag i Bordeaux??T vinvärld. 1957 köpte négociantfirman Eschenauer rätten till vinet. 1987 fick de köpa det då helt nergångna slottet. ?"gs idag av den egensinnige Daniel Cathiard.
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